We decided to take a much needed week off and head on up to Star Valley to visit the fam. We got to be the first to stay in Grandma and Grandpa's new house in Fairview. It is such a beautiful home. Russ does some nice work. If we ever build a house we would want him to do it. On our way up there it snowed and we just about turned around and drove back to Cedar City:) We had a great time spending time with Grammy Carrie, Em, Russ, Brad and Lauren. We also got to spent some time with Grandma Delsa and Grandpa Kay and did the Sunday night get together that we miss soo much. Jake, Melissa, and Jason came up Thursday night and spent the rest of the weekend. We played alot of Wii and Catch Phrase. We love our family and are soo grateful to be a part of such a great group of people. Thanks to Grammy Carrie for letting us crash her new house. We love you.