Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Update overload

In Loving Memory of Linda Grover

Here are some pictures taken through out this month.

We have had a busy month. Paisley had a ENT (Ear Nose Throat) visit at Primary's, where they did a swallow study, and found that her left vocal cord is still paralized and will most likely stay that way. They also found that she silently aspirates when she eats. Which means that her formula is going into her lungs and not her stomach. So we have to thicken her formula til its like pudding, and get her lungs checked every few weeks. We also went to Steph's wedding at Thanksgiving Point, she looked beautiful. Got to see alot of family.Then we had a dear friend return to Heavenly Father. She was more than a friend, she was a part of our family. She had been living with cancer for many years. She was a great person to talk to. I learned alot from her. A great poem that she loved was

"If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain; If I can ease one life the aching, or cool a fainting robin unto his nest again, I shall not live in vain."Emilly Dickinson

Cali Vaca

We went to Cali over the weekend & had a great trip. Grammie Carrie flew down to take care of Paisley (we still have to be careful with her). So it was just Blakie with us.
We went to the Dodgers game Saturday & this was our view. We sat in the left field cheap seats. There were 3 homeruns, 1 got close to where we were.
It was sooo hot I think it got up to 105. We had some real characters seating next to us. Most of them were drunk which made for a lot of laughs. There was a Jack Black look a like who had us going with his lip singing talent.

Then off to the beach, were we spent most of our time. Luke did some body boarding, we found seashells, and made me a mermaid, I can't get the picture to load:(

Here is Blake blending in with all the sufers. He's a natural!!

About Us

My photo
Clover, Blake and I continue to reside in Cedar City, Utah while pursueing an education and working. I just finished my second year at Southern Utah University. I thought I had decided on a career in Human Resourses but the company I work for got rid of all their HR and I have heard that other companies are doing the same thing, so I am still trying to decide but I am leaning towards something in business. Clover continues to do the painstaking job of raising a three year old. It appears that he has hit the terrible twos a year late. We still believe that he is the cutest kid ever. We are happy with life and continue to try and draw closer to our Heavenly Father in these trying times. We want to let everyone out there know that we think about them and hope that everyone is doing great.

EHS 1999

EHS 1999
Class of '99 Blog