Friday, August 1, 2008

20 Year Tag!!!

I guess I have been tagged:) I will give it a try.

20 years ago:
1. um....I don't really remember what I was doing when I was 7
2. I guess I was preparing to get baptized the next year.
3. I had to call and ask my mom what I was doing 20 years ago and she couldn't even remember. Probably riding bikes in good old Castle Dale.

10 years ago:
1. I was one month away from meeting my eternal companion.
2. I was running down dip road every night and in the best shape that I have ever been in.
3. I was working at Westwoods C-Store washing windshields, and illegaly selling beer and cigarettes to people.

5 years ago:
1. Clover and I were spending our first year of marraige together.
2. We were house sitting for an awesome couple in Star Valley who where serving a mission.
3. I was working at Familee Thriftway as a grocery manager.

3 years ago:
1. Our little Blake was only 4 months old and growing like a weed.
2. We were managing the Corral Motel for my parents (and to be honest, not loving the lack privacy).
3. Applying for and being accepted to SUU and making plans to move to Cedar.

1 year ago:
1. Getting ready for my second year at SUU
2. Working at The Home Depot on the graveyard shift throwing frieght.
3. Deciding to have another baby.

1. We got to see our babies heartbeat and found out that we are 6 weeks along instead of 7 weeks. (Yeah, that means no St. Patties Day baby.)
2. Had to unload a 90,000 lbs concrete truck @ midnight.
3. Watched "Last Comic Standing"

I tag Tyson, Jude andT.J. Lets get some guys in on this.


Cammie said...

My how the time flies! I would say that 20 years ago we were probably catching crawdads at the dip, or riding our bikes on the bike trails. Possibly teasing Darwin Farley too!

Big Daddy and Hot Momma said...

HaHaHa selling illegal beer and ciggies! That is funny.

About Us

My photo
Clover, Blake and I continue to reside in Cedar City, Utah while pursueing an education and working. I just finished my second year at Southern Utah University. I thought I had decided on a career in Human Resourses but the company I work for got rid of all their HR and I have heard that other companies are doing the same thing, so I am still trying to decide but I am leaning towards something in business. Clover continues to do the painstaking job of raising a three year old. It appears that he has hit the terrible twos a year late. We still believe that he is the cutest kid ever. We are happy with life and continue to try and draw closer to our Heavenly Father in these trying times. We want to let everyone out there know that we think about them and hope that everyone is doing great.

EHS 1999

EHS 1999
Class of '99 Blog