Sunday, March 15, 2009

Our little Paisley

I just thought I would update everyone on how Paisley is doing. She has had a good week this week. She is back in her crib and back to wearing clothes as you can see by the picture. She has has some trouble going back to the bottle, but she is back up to the amount she was eating before the surgery, only it is through the tube rather than the bottle. Last time we checked she weighed 4 pounds 10 ounces so she is gaining weight. I believe that she has tripled her weight since she was born. Hopefully if she gets the feeding thing back down it should only be several more weeks until she and the rest of the family get to come home. Please pray that she will get this down because we really need to be together as a family. I realize that I sound like a broken record, but we are all more than ready to be together. Thank you all again for your prayers and support.


Anonymous said...

She really is a doll! You guys are amazing parents - that's why I have confidence Paisley's future is a bright one. Hang in there - you are doing a GREAT job!

Cammie said...

After what you've been through I'm sure you will sail through the next few weeks as Paisley gains her weight. Just think, this time next year, she'll be eating bacon and eggs!!

bridget said...

We'll renew our prayer effort. I bet the time has flown and yet seems like forever. I hope she gets to come home soon! All my love, Bridget

About Us

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Clover, Blake and I continue to reside in Cedar City, Utah while pursueing an education and working. I just finished my second year at Southern Utah University. I thought I had decided on a career in Human Resourses but the company I work for got rid of all their HR and I have heard that other companies are doing the same thing, so I am still trying to decide but I am leaning towards something in business. Clover continues to do the painstaking job of raising a three year old. It appears that he has hit the terrible twos a year late. We still believe that he is the cutest kid ever. We are happy with life and continue to try and draw closer to our Heavenly Father in these trying times. We want to let everyone out there know that we think about them and hope that everyone is doing great.

EHS 1999

EHS 1999
Class of '99 Blog