Monday, March 2, 2009

Rough Weekend

Paisley had a rough weekend. On Thursday the nurses were getting us all excited with talk of her coming home in 1-2 weeks, because she was doing so well and accomplishing all of her goals. But overnight she had alot of residual (food that she hadn't digested) and so they ordered an x-ray for her stomach. After looking at that they thought that she might have an infection in her stomach. They ran several different tests and did several more x-rays. They also took her off of her feedings because of the infection and started her on antibiotics. All of these things were done for precautionary reasons just in case she did have an infection. All of the test came back negative and the x-rays all looked normal. But we are just waiting to hear from the radiologist for the final verdict, but they feel like she probably doesn't have an infection. It was rough on us because she was doing so good with her feeding and she was in an open crib and wearing clothes, but because of the IV she can't wear clothes so she was getting cold and that in turn forced them to put her back in the incubator. So we feel like we have taken a couple of steps back. We were able to give her another blessing. Our bishop and his wife were up in SLC and so we asked him come and help give her a blessing. She is such a cute little girl and it was fun to see her in clothes, she looks like a completely different baby. Hopefully she will bounce back and it won't be much longer till she can come home. Please pray that she can come home soon, we are all more than ready to be home together as a family. Thank you all again for all your love and support.


jacobsclan said...

I am sorry to hear that Paisley had some set backs. It breaks my heart that she is still in the hospital. You are always in our prayers and thoughts. If there is anything we can do to help please let us know. We are always here and would love to be of help. You have our prayers and our support.

MathisFam said...

That stinks that she had a couple of set backs, but she just seems to be such a fighter! I so hope that you all can come back soon. You are all in our prayers.

Cammie said...

Sorry about the set backs. I hope this week is much better for all of you. I will be praying that you can all be together VERY soon!

About Us

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Clover, Blake and I continue to reside in Cedar City, Utah while pursueing an education and working. I just finished my second year at Southern Utah University. I thought I had decided on a career in Human Resourses but the company I work for got rid of all their HR and I have heard that other companies are doing the same thing, so I am still trying to decide but I am leaning towards something in business. Clover continues to do the painstaking job of raising a three year old. It appears that he has hit the terrible twos a year late. We still believe that he is the cutest kid ever. We are happy with life and continue to try and draw closer to our Heavenly Father in these trying times. We want to let everyone out there know that we think about them and hope that everyone is doing great.

EHS 1999

EHS 1999
Class of '99 Blog